Resources Library
An online directory of design tools and resources.
Links to all the yummy stuff.
Stock Photos / Mockups / Graphic Assets / Fonts / Color / Brand Identity / Web Design
Stock Photos
Unsplash | The largest internet source of free and high quality stock photo. | |
Pexels | Free stock photos you can use everywhere and for commercial use. | |
Kaboompics | A royalty-free service for stock images. | |
Gratisography | The world's quirkiest collection of free high-resolution pictures you can use on your personal and commercial projects. | |
Streetwill | Free vintage photos to use any way you want. | |
New Old Stock | Vintage photos from the public archives. Free of known copyright restrictions. | |
Stocksnap | High quality and high resolution stock images free from all copyright restrictions (CC0). | |
Life of Pix | A community who shares free high-resolution photos with no Copyrights restrictions. For personal & commercial use. | |
Free Nature Stock | Royalty-free nature stock photos and videos to use them however you want. | |
Moveast | A journey of a Portuguese guy moving that decided that every photo should be used for free. | |
Death to Stock | An Artist Owned Co-op that provides the freshest authentic stock photos and videos. | |
Jay Mantri | Free pics by Jay Mantri. "do anything (CC0). make magic." |
Mr.Mockup | Paid and free high quality mockups | |
GraphicBurger | Free mockups from around the web | |
Creative Market | Mockups category in Creative Market | |
Design Cuts | Mockups category in Design Cuts | |
Placeit | ||
MOYO Studio | Digital design goods, photos and mockups for creatives |
Graphic Assets
Creative Market | Online marketplace for community-generated design assets. Fonts, graphics, themes, photos, and templates. | |
Design Cuts | Design resources including fonts, graphics, textures, patterns, templates and more. | |
LottieFiles Marketplace | Premium Lottie Animations for Web, iOS and Android. | |
Cool Backgrounds | Beautiful, enticing image backgrounds to add to your blog post, website, or wallpaper, by Moe Amaya. | |
Open Doodles | A set of free and open source illustrations by Pablo Stanley. | |
Humaaans | Another set of free illustrations by Pablo Stanley. |
Google Fonts | Google collection of free fonts (web and desktop). | |
Adobe Fonts | Desktop and web fonts from Adobe (paid subscription). | |
MyFonts | Largest source for premium fonts. | |
Typewolf | The best resource for everything related to typography on the web, by Jeremiah Shoaf. | |
Nicky Laatz | Small font shop by Nicky Laatz with beautiful fonts and other goodies. |
Chroma.js | Helps you create color scales. | |
0to255 | A color tool that makes it easy to lighten and darken colors, by Shaun Chapman. | |
HTML Color Picker | W3Schools HTML Color Picker | |
Color Hunt | Free and open platform for color inspiration with thousands of trendy hand-picked color palettes, by Gal Shir. | |
SchemeColor | Large source for color palettes and other color tools (color tester, color code converter, color palette from image) | |
Colormind | Color palettes generator. | | | Color schemes generator. | |
Adobe Color | Create color palettes with the color wheel or image, browse thousands of color combinations from the Adobe Color community. | |
TinEye Color Extraction | Tool to extract colors from an image. | |
HTML Color Codes | Easily find HTML color codes using the color picker, color chart and HTML color names with Hex color codes, RGB and HSL values. | |
Brand Palettes | Search for brands' color codes, like Facebook's blue. | |
Color Claim | A collection of unique color combinations by Tobias van Schneider. |
Brand Identity
Sushi & Co. Style Guide | A style guide example. | |
Medium Brand Development | A style guide example. | |
Barre & Soul - Brand Guide | A style guide example. | |
Wolf Circus Brand Style Guide | A style guide example. | |
NJORD Organic Restaurant Style Guide | A style guide example. | |
Argento Brand Identity | A style guide example. | |
Using Word Association to Select Brand Colors | An interesting article on choosing a brand's colors. |
Web Design
CSS Gradient | A free tool that lets you create a gradient background for websites. | |
CSS-Tricks | Daily articles about CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and all things related to web design and development. | |
CSS3 Generator | CSS3 generator for border radius, box shadow, text shadow, box sizing, transition, transform and more. | |
Codrops | Web design and development blog that publishes articles and tutorials about the latest web trends, techniques and new possibilities. | |
Artisan Themes | WordPress themes that help you turn your idea into a beautiful website, easily. Made with love | |
WPBeginner | The largest WordPress resource site for beginners with easy to understand tutorials. |